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3x8 - Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear

The Courage to Face It

Poster della serie Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear

Hibiki meets up with her father but refuses to hear him out, feeling he hasn't changed since the day he left her family amidst all the harrassment she faced following the ZweiWing incident. Joining Shirabe and Kirika on a mission to defeat some Alca-Noise attacking some underground conduits, Hibiki's anger towards both her father and herself puts her at a disadvantage against Micha, prompting Shirabe to step in to protect her and Kirika. As Shirabe and Kirika end up arguing with each other following the incident, Genjurou determines Micha's purpose was to download conduit route data to locate hidden entrances. Later, Leiur attacks the HQ while Micha targets Shirabe and Kirika, who learn that the reason they were arguing was because they didn't want to become a burden to each other. Realizing that people get mad at them because they care, the two activate their Ignite Modules and combine their strengths to defeat Micha. Meanwhile, Carol reawakens in a spare body, able to see what the enemy is doing through Elfnein's eyes.

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22 Agosto 2015
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