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3x8 - Minami-ke

It's Law

Poster della serie Minami-ke

During the homebound commute, Uchida and Yoshino's stopover to buy some baked yams during the homebound commute gives way to Kana explaining to them her »Laws of Popularity«. Availing a bunch of soda cans, Kana directs Uchida and Yoshino through an exercise with soda cans to practice the Law of Weakness Appeal. Unfortunately, Chiaki (especially after the soda geyser) is not amused at the exhibition and Atsuko is put on the hot seat after Haruka takes Maki away. Touma imparting an emphatic »Watch where you are going!!!« punch to a contrite Makoto before walking away ultimately demonstrates that male-female interaction is as a kaleidoscope and that there are a myriad of variables in play. While Kana spends the next arc fishing for iconoclastic responses, Atsuko shares her »cool when silent« perspective of Hosaka before later comparing notes with Maki leads into a comical social sequence in which Hayami and the approaching Hosaka along with Maki and Atsuko seem to have completed these cerebral computations without verifying the results with the outside world.

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22 Febbraio 2009
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