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3x9 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

From Minor Disaster to TV SportsCaster: Kord S

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Kord is a camera guy.He longs to get in front of it to become a sportscaster.He promptly hurt his Achilles Tendon,blocking him from casting.Months later his tendon is better, so he's ready to try again.Problems:from being sedentary and horizontal from his leg he's packed on a couple pounds,he has to do something with his hair and make up,he could use some on camera help,his girlfriend Marina 's taste dominates the apartment,and he only has two (ill fitting)suits.He also would love to cook Marina this awesome dish but he can't find one certain ingredient. Carson and Kyan get Kord a blue suit,a raincoat, and some other things.Jai has veteran sports caster Ahmad Rashad give Kord some tips, also Ahmad also promised Kord that if the work tonight goes well Ahmad will try and get him a audition with NBA Inside Stuff. Jai also gets Kord a laptop,digital camcorder and editing equipment so Kord can practice casting at home.Although Kord needs a haircut,Kyan decides it's best if they work on his

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15 Marzo 2005
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