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38x9 - Sesame Street

Sleeping Grouchy

Poster della serie Sesame Street

Oscar and Grundgetta are reading The Tale of Sleeping Grouchy" and Slimey, Telly and Elmo join them. The story begins, "Once upon a time, there was a very, very, very grouchy princess . . ." and it tells the tale of a princess that was so grouchy, she said things like, "Phooey!" "Ewwww!" and "Sounds horrible!" One day the grouchy princess was on a grouchy walk. She said, "Phooey!" so many times that it disturbed a wizard who was walking nearby and he cast a spell on the her, putting her to sleep for a hundred years! Princess Grouchy's parents were very upset. They loved their grouchy daughter dearly and wanted to find a way to break the sleeping spell. They offered a reward to any prince who could wake the princess up. Prince Elmo came and tried to tickle Princess Grouchy awake with a feather, but it didn't work. Prince Telly played his loud tuba with his back-up band, The Cat's Meow, but Princess Grouchy still did not wake up. Finally, Prince Slimey arrived.

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29 Agosto 2007
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