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4x11 - The Amazing Race

Such a Nice Pheremone Smell to You; Just Makes Me Want to Stay Close to You

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

The teams begin at their Pit Stop in Seoul, South Korea and receive a clue that takes them to a task that involves traditional South Korean kites. Phil helpfully narrates that one of the teams will be eliminated in this leg. The teams all complete the kite task, although some have more difficulty than others. The clue they receive tells them to make their way to Brisbane, Australia, over 7,000 miles away. All teams pull even when they find out the airport doesn't open until 6 A.M. However, believing they are in last place, David and Jeff consider the Fast Forward. At the airport, the teams find a number of options for flights. Kelly and Jon, David and Jeff and Reichen and Chip all end up on the same flight together, but Jon and Al chose a different flight and it gets delayed by fog, forcing it to take off after every other flight in the line. Jon and Al try to beg their way onto the other flight, but are told that due to security reasons, it can't accept passengers at the last minute.

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7 Agosto 2003
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