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4x17 - Felicity

The Graduate

Poster della serie Felicity

Felicity is able to graduate because Professor Carnes fails her on the paper, but lets her pass the class. Ben asks Felicity to marry him, and she accepts. Ben receives a call in the middle of the night and learns that Lauren has gone into labor in Philadelphia. He catches a train and is present at the birth of his son, Andrew. Felicity's parents come to town for graduation. Her father rags on her for deciding to live with Ben in New York, and accuses her of always following Ben. Felicity angrily announces her engagement. Ben returns and admits that it was very difficult to leave his son. Lauren is still planning to move to Arizona, and he wants to follow. Felicity is still uncertain about joining him. Richard inadvertently blabs about Ben's child and the Arizona move to Felicity's father. Dr. Porter confronts Ben and expresses disapproval about the engagement (among other things). Felicity refuses to move to Arizona because she thinks that she should be more independent.

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24 Aprile 2002
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