Pagina dell'episodio'

4x19 - Snorks

Jaws Say the Word

Poster della serie Snorks

All-Star is literally given a rude awakening by Occy, who wants to go swimmies. On his walk, All-Star coems across Junior and Willis who argue over who is the bravest snork. Junior tries to prove that he's a brave snork. He thinks that he is all that when he takes a bone out of a lion's cage. All-Star finds an injured Shark and helps him out. The shark, Joey, tries his best to repay him for making him better. Junior is telling everyone that All-Star is a coward, but when they meet Joey, he thinks that All-Star is an even bigger coward because he has a bodyguard. Little by little, Joey ends up making All-Star's life miserable, so All-Star gets rid of him. He plans a heist, but he is caught by an officer and tells Joey to back off. While All-Star is feeling sorry for himself, Junior tries to prove once again that he is the bravest at Devil's Bridge. Junior gets in trouble and it's up to All-Star to save him. But then, at an unexpectant moment, Joey turns up and svaes both All-Star and Ju

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12 Novembre 1988
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