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4x3 - Ballykissangel

Bread and Water

Poster della serie Ballykissangel

With the birth of Siobhan's baby approaching she starts to look at all her options for the big event, but Brendan is disturbed when she decides on a water birth. Sean's daughter, Emma, turns up unannounced. He had previously lied to her about where he was, and after an argument she takes Niamh's car. Later, she turns up at the pub and discovers she has something in common with Niamh. On the way back to Sean's farm they find that Siobhan has gone into labour. There isn't time to get her back to Sean, so they hijack Brian's hot tub and use it as a birthing pool. Aidan is proved to be wiser than Orla thought when it comes to money, and to Ambrose's amazement his boss approves of the family living over the pub. Meanwhile, Brian's dreams lead him to a golf course that he feels it is his destiny to buy.

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4 Ottobre 1998
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