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4x5 - Bakugan Battle Brawlers

Tri-Twister Take Down

Poster della serie Bakugan Battle Brawlers

Tension between the Brawlers rises when Shun suggests that Dan take a break from battling as to avoid another of Drago's power overloads. However, Dan interprets this as Shun not trusting him and they have a fight. Shun is later confronted by Sellon, who still wants him on her team, and suggests that he give Dan some tough love. Later, the Brawlers are challenged by two boys calling themselves the Tri-Twisters. Shun and Marucho decide to take it themselves without telling Dan but have trouble against the opponents. Dan discovers this and wants to help, but begins to realize that Shun may have had a point earlier. They then discover that there is a third Bakugan, previously attacking invisibly, present. Sellon and Anubias suddenly interrupt the battle, wanting to teach the boys a lesson in honor and easily defeat them.

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13 Marzo 2011
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