Pagina dell'episodio'

4x58 - Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

Cash Machine

Poster della serie Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

Mr. Bean wants to buy a fancy cupcake, but his wallet is empty so he has to visit a cash dispenser. As he tries to use it, his card is declined and eventually swallowed by the machine. Bean steals a box of tools from a repairman's truck to unscrew the front of the machine in order to retrieve his card, thereby triggering the cash dispenser's alarm and alerting the police. Bean manages to hide inside the machine before the police officers find him. He then accidentally falls into the vault, finds his card and escapes just as the police officers raid the vault. Bean tries his card again after realising that his note of his PIN was upside down (he was reading it as 1861 but in fact it is 1981). Finally, Bean successfully withdraws the money and buys the last remaining cupcake. As Bean drives back home while eating his cupcake, the police officers mistakenly suspect and arrest the repairman after he attempts to retrieve his toolbox.

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18 Febbraio 2015
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