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4x7 - The Real Housewives of Orange County

And They're Off...

Poster della serie The Real Housewives of Orange County

Although Jeff remains in the hospital, Gretchen Rossi still has something to get excited about when her new 5K diamond encrusted engagement ring arrives in the mail. While Vicki Gunvalson is attending a convention in Florida, her son, Michael, decides to have a pool party at the house.Nosy neighbor Jeana Keough tattles on him, prompting Vicki to call Michael during the party. Jeana meets with her new employer, her first ex-husband, Gary Tomasina. Tired of working for a large real estate corporation, Jeana decides she needs a change and joins Gary's boutique realty company. Tamra Barney and Lauri Peterson have lunch to catch up.Tamra can't wait to gossip about the latest escapades involving the housewives, most especially drama with Gretchen Rossi. The ladies attend the opening day at Del Mar Racetrack. New housewife, Lynne Curtin, looks forward to getting to know the other housewives better. Unfortunately, Vicki and Tamra snub both Lynne and Gretchen. Lynne makes the best of it as she bonds with Jeana. Gretchen makes the best of it by partying with other people at the races, further angering Vicki and Tamra who are annoyed with her flirtatious behavior.

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6 Gennaio 2009
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