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4x74 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 320

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Phyllis and Colleen save Sally's life. Colleen urges Peter to come and see her. They are reunited and he agrees to say in court that he provoked her. Errol worries Kerry will tell someone he is the father of her baby. Benny and Lou set Chrissie up to be killed by Neil. Sally is freed by the court. Chrissie comes face to face with Neil but is rescued in the nick of time by Paddy and Andy, who are busy trying to have a moment of passion. Kerry returns to the halfway house and tells Maxine she wants an abortion. Judy and Maxine realise Errol is the baby's father. Joan pressures Barbara to get her file, prompting Barbara to call Phillip and ask him to do something for her to get Joan off her back. Joan demands Margo put a stop to the concert. Judy urges Kerry to tell her mother the truth. Joan's house is broken into after dark. When she returns home, she finds her dog dead in the back yard. Maxine blurts out the truth about Errol raping Kerry to Cookie.

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20 Ottobre 1982
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