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4x79 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 325

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Joan fools the women into thinking that Lizzie is dead and they stage a protest, even Bea joins in from isolation. Her parole board hearing is postponed. Colleen tells the inmates that Lizzie is not dead after all. Bea realises the note was a fake and Joan was behind it. Tony gets drunk and falls into bed with Maxine after Melissa walks out on him. Barbara is sent to isolation after Chrissie and Margo rough her up to find out what she has on the Freak. Bea faces the parole board. Sara and Alan fight with his father when he turns up at the halfway house. Barbara tells Bea she has Joan's diaries. Alan suggests to Sara they take an overdose. A gang of inmates, led by Chrissie and Margo, trash Barbara's cell. Judy finds Alan and Sara unconscious. The parole board tell Bea they are impressed but want her to keep out of trouble until they review her case again in six months.

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9 Novembre 1982
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