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4x8 - Inazuma Eleven

Kusaka’s Two Faces

Poster della serie Inazuma Eleven

The members of Inazuma Japan are all training together and most of the members have improved. The next day, they are told that their next opponent is Saudi Arabia's representative Shamshir. Kuroiwa tells everyone that there will be no training so each member trains in his or her own way. Kusaka gets caught by the police because he got involved in a gang fight but is released thanks to Kuroiwa. After he comes back, Manabe and Minaho tell the other members about Kusaka's background. The next day, as the match between Inazuma Japan and Shamshir starts, Kusaka notices his childhood friend, Kanda Satoko, is in the audience. The match begins and Inazuma instantly loses a point. Kusaka is called "weak" by the members from Shamshir and he attacks them the same way he did the Teikoku players during the exhibition match. What would happen now? Can Inazuma Japan turn back the score?

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26 Giugno 2013
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