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4x8 - The Challenge

Human Foosball

Poster della serie The Challenge

We dive right back into Jame's struggles with losing and Rebecca losing respect for him and his childish ways. James is still attracted to her but doesn't know if he should go all the way in fear of screwing it up. Since James is so competitive, Dan decides to make a wager. Who can blow a bigger bubble? James attempts and gets not one bubble. Dan goes and ofcourse gets like 10 big bubbles out of one blow. James punishment? To run around the Real World bus naked. Syrus received the next clue in their cellphone, it says something about kicking tricks at a college complex in Conn. Susie is the most excited out of the two teams cause it's her first mission. They arrive to find 4 professional soccer players who help them learn the basic moves of soccer. James and Jamie seem to be the best so far.

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6 Marzo 2001
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