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4x9 - Big Brother

LIVE Show: Eviction

Poster della serie Big Brother

Big Brother's resident psychologists are on hand to provide interesting insights into the contestants behaviour and provide information on what they are really thinking about each other. Highlights from the weekend in the house are also shown. In tonight's episode Anouska's final day in the house is profiled and her eviction covered extensively. The psychologists explain how the housemates different reactions to her being voted out of the house display their guilt for nominating her while other's are unaware of their fellow contestants' turmoil. Federico plays an amusing practical joke on Big Brother when he asks questions like ""What is Big Brother wearing"" in an attempt to make the female producer in the diary room uncomfortable. The psychologists also examine how the housemates' constant flirting and touching is a way of become comfortable in a new group, but warns relationships built up so quickly will fail just as soon. They also take a closer look at apparent outsider - Jon and

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31 Maggio 2003
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