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41x69 - The Young and the Restless

Episode 10188 - Thursday, June 27, 2013

Poster della serie The Young and the Restless

Billy tells Carmine that Victoria kicked him out for gambling. Carmine hands Billy a business card of a guy looking for a game. Later, Fen tells Carmine to stop texting him. Tyler accuses Devon of getting him fired. Meanwhile, Abby and Alex get into an argument at the police station. Later, Abby offers to buy Tyler a drink when she hears that he lost his job. Michael and Lauren try to enjoy watching a movie together. During dinner, they share a sweet kiss and work on rebuilding their relationship. Jill offers Hilary double her pay to divert projects to her instead of Cane. Lily comes clean with Cane, and tells him that Tyler is the reason she left the campaign. Lily tells Cane that she doesn’t have feelings for Tyler even though he may be attracted to her. Chloe and Kevin inform Delia that they are getting a divorce. Delia is pained by the news, but is assured that it has nothing to do with her. Fen passes money to a dealer in exchange for a bag of pills.

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27 Giugno 2013
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