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5x1 - Property Brothers: Buying and Selling

Suburban to Urban

Poster della serie Property Brothers: Buying and Selling

After years of commuting back and forth to the city, Craig and Simone are ready to leave the suburbs for good, and are searching for a downtown family home where they'll have more time to enjoy the good life. But their current property is stuck in the 90s and will need a complete overhaul before they can afford to make the switch. Enter Property Brothers Drew and Jonathan Scott. They've got a plan for a total property facelift and Jonathan gets started with the drastic changes required to get the time warp home ready for a close-up. Meanwhile, the couple soon learns that urban real estate comes at a premium and they're underwhelmed by the pricey options that fall short of their expectations. Drew comes up with a number of solutions to stretch their budget, but ultimately it's up to Craig and Simone to decide what matters most.

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13 Luglio 2016
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