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5x17 - Gilmore Girls

Pulp Friction

Poster della serie Gilmore Girls

Now that Luke and Lorelai are back together, Lorelai can come into the diner, and she adds herself to Luke's speed dial. They make a date for Sunday to celebrate getting back together. Meanwhile, Kirk has stationed himself at the diner and is collecting the pink and blue ribbons which citizens of Stars Hollow used to wear. Rory and Logan are still dating, however not exclusively. Rory and Lorelai see him with another girl while they are shopping in downtown New Haven. Lorelai wants to go over and yell at Logan, but Rory informs her that it's OK - even though she doesn't look as if she really thinks it is OK. She tells Lorelai that they are just dating and allowed to see other people. Emily and Richard assume that since Emily gave instructions to Luke to get back together with Lorelai everything must be all set now. However, they are surprised to see only Rory show up for Friday dinner. They wonder whether Luke and Lorelai have gotten back together and end up assuming that Luke did

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8 Marzo 2005
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