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5x19 - Big Brother

Day 15/16 Highlights

Poster della serie Big Brother

Big Brother gets evil, with the introduction of the bedsit. Before the pending eviction, Michelle and Marco discuss their other contestants and who they think is ""playing a game"". They agree that Dan and Vanessa are doing just this. When a mistake with Davina's link to the house means the housemates overhear the word 'Bedsit' on Friday night, the whole group go into a frenzy. Theories about what will happen are going left, right and centre, including Jason's idea that two people will be evicted and then one voted back into the house. When the voting news comes, the housemates think Emma and Michelle are evicted, when really they are going to the bedsit. Over Excited by being in the bedsit, Emma's breasts constantly fall out of her top, to much amusement by the two girls. The following morning, they are set their first task. They must decide which of the 9 housemates they left behind should have to take a cold shower.

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13 Giugno 2004
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