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5x19 - Will & Grace

Sex, Losers, & Videotape

Poster della serie Will & Grace

Will, Karen and Will's boss Mr. Stein (Gene Wilder) form an anti-romance club thanks to Will and his recent break-up with Barry. The three hold two meetings claiming that ""love stinks"" until Karen and Mr. Stein form a budding relationship. The two carry on having sex and dating behind Wills back not wanting to hurt him. Will breaks up the club after he finds out claiming that ""If you're going to form a club for people who are alone and bitter, you have to at least stay bitter."" Meanwhile, Grace decides to make a sexy video for Leo who is away in Africa. Jack wakes up to the sound of her singing and tells her that that's not sexy at all. He invites her to his acting class where the students are supposed to be very open to each other. Grace attends one class, but finds that it isn't helping one bit. Jack films her taking a shower without her knowing it. When she sees the tape, she agrees that it is very sexy only to find out that Jack has been sharing it with his class.

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3 Aprile 2003
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