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5x23 - A Different World

Special Delivery

Poster della serie A Different World

In the final days before the election, the incumbent accuses Byron of fooling around with a stripper. He refuses to respond to the allegations, and challenges Sen. Hutchinson to a debate. Whitley and Ron talk to the stripper, who insists that she was in a hotel room with Byron. Byron is angry with Whitley for prying; he explains that his staff hired a birthday strip-o-gram for him. After Byron easily wins the debate, Sen. Hutchinson tries to start a scandal involving Whitley. Byron refuses to expose the senator's affair with his campaign manager, and tells Whitley that they can win honorably. Byron wins the election and asks Whitley to marry him. She eventually says yes, leaving Dwayne crestfallen. Jaleesa goes into labor and cannot get a hold of her husband. After Kim faints, Freddie and Ron have to handle the situation until the ambulance arrives. Jaleesa gives birth to a baby girl at home, and Freddie captures it on video.

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7 Maggio 1992
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