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5x23 - The Nanny

The Wedding, Part 2

Poster della serie The Nanny

Finally, after 5 long years, the wedding day has arrived. Fran spends her last night as a single woman at her mom's house, where Sylvia reads her a letter she wrote to Fran when Fran was born. They both cry. Just a few moments before the wedding, Maxwell's sister Jocelyn tells Fran that the social differences between she and Maxwell will ruin their marriage as it did to hers. At the ceremony, Ms. Babcock tries to give it one last shot and pretends being the bride, but it doesn't work. Fran doesn't show up at the altar, leaving everybody apprehensive about what happened to her. Sylvia goes to her dressing room and finds Fran crying on the couch. Maxwell arrives and Fran tells him that their marriage will never work and decides it will be better if they cancelled it. Max tells Fran that what happened with his sister will not happen to them, because they love each other. He tells Fran all the wonderful things she has and says he will never get bored with them. The wedding proceeds, and Fr

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13 Maggio 1998
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