Pagina dell'episodio'

5x6 - Big Brother

Day 5 Highlights

Poster della serie Big Brother

Kitten continues to challenge Big Brother's authority when she pulls the alcohol fridge out from the kitchen and proceeds to try and remove the lock on it. Her actions result in a shocking and drastic statement to be made by Big Brother. It's the last straw for Victor and he doesn't hide his feelings of frustrations towards Kitten's increasingly childish actions. Meanwhile, Jason and Victor tell Ahmed he needs to ""Step Up"" or risk getting booted out of the house. Confused by what they mean, Jason explains to him how he needs to participate more in discussions and ""cause tension"" among his fellow contestants. No longer than 20 minutes after his advice, Ahmed follows through by confronting Marco and accusing him of being ""unfriendly"" towards him and declares that he didn't even greet him properly on the first night. Heavily effected by such comments, Marco visits the diary room in tears later the same evening.

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2 Giugno 2004
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