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5x77 - Big Brother

LIVE Show: Day 68 Highlights & Pre-Eviction

Poster della serie Big Brother

A quick update of Tuesday, saw the housemates pay for their refusal of nominating, as they were shown nominations, their fellow housemates made. Shell was slightly upset over Stuart's nomination to her, but really upset after Nadia saw Shell's nomination of her. However Nadia was more concerned of how she looked while making the nominations. Shell started crying and ran outside, kicking the pillar and hurting her foot, while the others went to comfort her. In the shock live eviction, the audience were told to be quiet- no cheering or anything until music was played into the house. When it was, the audience screamed as Davina takes it over to big brother for the eviction of a housemate. While housemates danced, a chipper Stuart was called to the diary room, where he was told he will be evicted without saying good bye to his fellow housemates. Leaving through the diary room, he enters the hallway where the screaming crowd await him outside.

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