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52x117 - General Hospital


Poster della serie General Hospital

Nathan and Maxie leave with the Aztec knife. Stavros holds a scalpel to Lulu’s neck and threatens to slit her throat after Dante shows up. Stavros pulls a gun on Dante after Lulu manages to break free. Lulu throws herself in front of the gun, insisting Stavros shoots her first. Liesl shoots Victor. Anna learns that Dante is sealed in a room with Lulu and Stavros. Jason hits the clinic director and grabs his medical file. He enters a room to find Robin chained to a wall. Robin is pleased to see him but realizes he can’t talk and has a fever. Jason manages to free her. Maxie and Nathan find the doctor and director that Jason took out. Stavros reminds Lulu that he can raise their child with or without her. Stavros ends up being killed in a struggle to gain control of the gun. Victor wants to know who Nathan’s father is. Victor pushes a button in his vest and loud sirens and lights go off across the whole clinic. Liesl learns that it is contingency to protect against biological warfare, and all that will be left of the clinic will be a crater. Things heat up between Sam and Patrick but she stops things from going too far.

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16 Settembre 2014
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