Pagina dell'episodio'

52x56 - General Hospital


Poster della serie General Hospital

Carly goes to see Sonny after Morgan leaves. When Morgan returns Franco tells him how much Carly is worried about him but Morgan refuses to stay. Michael and Kiki attempt to understand why Sonny would have asked Ava to move in with him. Kiki and Michael make out as Tracy shows up. Dante shows up to see his father and pay his condolences about Ric. Dante is then upset about the way Sonny has treated his mother. After Sonny mentions Connie, Dante wants to know what he is on about. Carly then shows up and attempts to cover for Sonny. Carly thinks Sonny has made a mistake asking Ava to move in. Olivia and Lulu are out with the baby and they talk about the christening. Maxie attempts to keep calm at the courthouse as Nathan shows up. Levi and Diane also show up. The hearing gets underway and the judge announces that he has reason to believe Nathan lied at the last hearing and also believes Maxie did too. Nina leaves so that Sam and Silas can talk alone. Silas wants to know if Sam could just turn her back on Jason if he ever came back.

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18 Giugno 2014
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