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6x14 - Murphy Brown

A Piece of the Auction

Poster della serie Murphy Brown

Murphy gets rude remarks by radio personality, Marty Crane. She gets mad but the gang actually thin the things Marty says about Murphy are funny. They're all now at a charity event at Phill's, while every one of the gang donated something to be auctioned, Murphy decided to donate herself, that means the winner will spend a whole day with her in the office and then go to dinner. Marty Crane is there, and buys Murphy for 10 thousand dollars. Murphy doesn't accept it at first but then agrees, after all I can't be that bad. But it is, Marty shows up at the bullpen with cameras and girls with costumes. At her office, they start talking and Marty says that by the end of the day, she'll start seing him differently. Murphy doens't think so. At the restaurant Murphy doens't seem to want people to see her with Marty, which he notices. They have a honest talk, and Murphy starts to understand his point of view and they make plans to get together again. The next morning while driving to work,

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3 Gennaio 1994
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