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6x19 - Undressed

Episode 619

Poster della serie Undressed

""Horse Hung Harry"" written by Edmund O'Brien, directed by Jack Hackel Hanging out in what is presumably Harry's basement, Kevin decides to help Harry and Dana, explaining to them to rehearse a scene featuring them being tool men. They then rehearse the scene saying that Harry has a big jack hammer, and Dana explains that she wants to use it even though she is afraid. This works, and Jillian doesn't know what the fuck they are talking or rehearsing about. Kevin pulls Jillian upstairs, and Harry shows his horse hung penis to Dana, where she is very surprised. She tells him that it is probably not possible to have it fit in her vagina, and he starts to tell her about the whole thing about being so big, and wants to probably break up with him. She stops him and decides they could do it within their outer layer, which either means, they will not be able to put inside, or they just eat/blow/finger/suck/jerk (or which ever term you want to use) each other. They then up exausted next to

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18 Luglio 2002
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