Pagina dell'episodio'

6x22 - Touched by an Angel

Stealing Hope

Poster della serie Touched by an Angel

Ricky Hauk has just received the news that he's being laid off from his dead-end job as a mechanic at Al's Gas Station. Ricky vents his frustration by writing poetry on the bathroom wall, quickly erasing it before it can be preserved for posterity. Monica is hired to take inventory at the station, and she encourages Ricky to pursue his writing. When Shelley, a local college student, arrives with her snobby boyfriend Marshall, Ricky is immediately smitten. When Marshall notices Ricky's college hat, he accuses him of being a poseur, and the boys exchange words. As Marshall and Shelley leave, Ricky discovers Shelley dropped her school I.D. Later, Ricky agrees to help his little brother Joey win the Invention Convention at the College. When Shelley returns to the station in search of her I.D., Ricky claims to be a student at the college. Shelley suggests he enroll in her writing class. Ricky agrees to check it out. Ricky's mother Ellen is frustrated to find out about Ricky's plan

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23 Aprile 2000
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