Pagina dell'episodio'

6x23 - Walker, Texas Ranger

Circle of Life

Poster della serie Walker, Texas Ranger

Joe Lopez, a safecracker, who has been paroled returns to see his wife, Marta, and his son, Tommy, who are friends of Walker and the gang. While his wife is uncertain of whether or not she wants him back, his son hates him. She offers him a job at her new restaurant. At the same time, Walker is working on a series of armed robberies that have been going on. What they don't know is that the robbers are all paroled convicts, who are staying at the same halfway house that Joe is staying in. The leader tries to recruit Joe and he says yes. But he then goes to Walker and tells him. Walker wants to arrest the guy who tried to recruit Joe but Joe asks him to let him try and find out who the boss is. When the day of the job comes, they manage to elude Walker. And when they arrive, Joe learns that the boss is his parole officer, Buck Coburn, and that they have Tommy there, to make sure Joe does the job. Walker and Trivette eventually find out where the job is. They arrive to stop Coburn, and J

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2 Maggio 1998
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