Pagina dell'episodio'

6x40 - Undressed

Episode 640

Poster della serie Undressed

""Stuck On U"" written by Lee Vaillancourt, directed by Michel Beriault Adam has this conquest for his fraternity, which includes having sex with girls from A to Z. Right now, he is on Y, and Yolanda friends, Ursula and Zoe, convinces to have sex with him. The only thing is that he is stuck on Ursula. He decides he wants to take it steady, and tells Ursula about it. She is willing to have a secret relationship, as long as he finishes the whole alphabet. ""Switcheroo"" written by Swith Bell, directed by Jean-Claude Lord Jake and Julie decides it cannot work between them. When they talk to Dustin about it, Julie changes her mind, saying they want to try it out. Julie and Jake fight over Dustin, and they create these time out card (yes the ones from Dismissed!), where the other person leaves for ten minutes. Julie uses her time out card, and she tries to hurry things with Dustin, while making out. When they are about to do it, time runs out, and Jake tells her. Jake brings the half n

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19 Agosto 2002
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