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6x5 - Robot Wars

Heat 5

Poster della serie Robot Wars

It's heat E and the #9 seeds Wild Thing are back with a brand new robot! Can they win or go down in pieces? Aggrobot 3 From: Surrey Weight: 100 kilos Dimensions: 0.36M X 1.50M X 1.07M Power: 2 X 500W Motors Weapons: Cutting Jaws and Lifter Strengths: Fast, Agile and Tough Weaknesses: Subject to Driver Error Team Captain: Peter Leach With: Bob and Jon Leach 259 From: Essex Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.77M X 1.10M X 0.80M Power: 600W Motors Weapons: Vertical Spinner Strengths: Potentially Lethal Weapon Weaknesses: Low Strike Rate Team Captain: Adam Clark Infernal Contraption From: London Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.35M X 0.68M X 0.83M Power: 4 X 24V Motors Weapons: Spinning Drum Strengths: Reversable Weapon Weaknesses: Radio Reception Team Captain: Jonathan Pillai With: Ray Thompson and Gary Ewer Infinity From: Wales Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.29M X 1.35M X 1.04M Power: 4 X 750W Motors Weapons: Claws and Spikes S

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6 Dicembre 2002
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