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6x9 - Heartbeat

Giving the Game Away

Poster della serie Heartbeat

Erol, a man Nick helped out when he was in trouble with the police in London comes to the area.. But when reports of trespassers, and theft come in Blaketon suspects Erol. Nick is annoyed because he thinks Blaketon's assumptions have been made on the fact that Erol is coloured, and takes exception to his attitude. But when more evidence is found Nick is forced to question Erol. Erol is asked to play in the Aidensfield cricket team, and he helps win them a match, but he knows someone from where he used to work is after him, so he makes a run for it but gets cornered. Luckily Nick and Phil arrive in time. Nick's mum is up for a visit, and Nick suspects something's wrong and won't believe her when she denies it. Ruby meets Jo and sets her and Nick up, they agree to give it another go.

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27 Ottobre 1996
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