Pagina dell'episodio'

7x1 - Super Friends

Mxyzptlk's Revenge / Roller Coaster / Once Upon a Poltergeist

Poster della serie Super Friends

Mxyzptlk's Revenge: A doorway appears inside the Hall of Justice. Superman and Batman wonder where it originated from and where it leads. Then the voice of Mxyzptlk is heard and Superman realizes who's responsible. The door opens up, sucking everything inside, including Batman and Superman. Roller Coaster: Three kids ride a condemned roller coaster that gradually falls apart. The Wonder Twins and Gleek, exiting a movie theater, respond to the crisis. After Zan accidentally breaks a rusted power control and realizing that they need additional help in the rescue attempt they send Gleek to the Hall of Justice and find Atom. Once Upon a Poltergeist: At the Wayne Building in Gotham City, a confused spirit of a Mohawk Indian terrorizes the area due to his belief that the building sits on top of an ancient burial site. Batman, Robin, and Apache Chief battle the spirit but its power is greater.

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10 Settembre 1983
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