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7x13 - M.I. High

The Last Stand (Part 2)

Poster della serie M.I. High

The team, Frank, and Stella have gone into hiding as M.I.9 has been taken over by KORPS. As KORPS' plans are nearing completion, the team must act fast. Frank tells them about 'The Heart', a rumoured super computer that controls all of KORPS' networks. They plan to destroy it but the only problem is that it is located at KORPS Central HQ which has never been found. Tom comes up with an idea and the group break back into their base under St. Heart's. Tom reveals that he made a gadget that contains a microchip that holds an anti-virus before they were fired, it will make Keri reject The Mastermind's consciousness if KORPS try to transfer it. It also contains a tracking device, so if Keri gives herself up, KORPS will take her to their HQ, leading to The Heart. Keri accepts, but the team also have far more pressing matters to worry about. Meanwhile, Evelyn Baxter is bent on taking over the country, and then destroying it.

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31 Marzo 2014
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