Pagina dell'episodio'

7x30 - Beverly Hills, 90210

Senior Week

Poster della serie Beverly Hills, 90210

Kelly suffers a miscarriage, and learns that she may not be able to have children. Donna worries about her finals; David adds to her stress by pressuring her to let him move in. Donna panics during a final and runs out of the classroom, costing her a chance to graduate. Professor Langely gives her a second chance by offering an oral final exam. Donna passes easily, and Professor Langely tells her that she has a future in the fashion industry. Rush refuses to give Steve a post-graduation job at one of his companies. Chancellor Arnold accepts a teaching job in France, and Steve fears that Clare will go with him. She decides to stay in Los Angeles and seek a future with Steve. Valerie angers Kelly by meeting with her father. Bill delivers the shocking news that Driscoll is no longer his employee; he has stolen all of Val's money. Kelly again pressures Brandon to evict Val, as she and Brandon plan to live together.

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14 Maggio 1997
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