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7x31 - Family Affairs

Episode 1703

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Lucy can't sleep with worrying about the whereabouts of Eileen. To make matters worse, Sadie told Lucy about Pete's revelations to her the night before - that he felt responsible for Eileen's disappearance and that he wished he hadn't hurt her. Lucy got worked up and went to the pub to yell at Pete, she accused him of killing Eileen. Later, he told her that his feeling responsible for Eileen's departure didn't mean that he'd killed her, in fact he wanted to help Lucy find her mum. Lucy was undecided. Tanya found out from Dave that Sean had been having second thoughts about having a baby with her; he denied that he still had these feelings of doubt. Benji then told Tanya that Sean had spent the night with a man he'd met at the pub last Thursday, when she confronted Sean he told her that he'd slept on the man's sofa-bed - alone. With a little bit of persuading, she believed him and they decided that they both really wanted to have this baby. Chrissy told Gary and Myra that she though

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8 Ottobre 2003
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