Pagina dell'episodio'

7x4 - Simon & Simon


Poster della serie Simon & Simon

The Simon family are enjoying a day at the ballpark when a 'kid' takes off with AJ's wallet. AJ pursues the kid and catches her, but Allison swears it was just an initiation into a club, so he lets her go. She turns up again at the office to return some things that had 'fallen out' of AJ's wallet. She says she's there to ask for help, but the minute the brothers' backs are turned, she takes off with Rick's $1,000 camera. It turns out that she is working as a prostitute to survive. Her pimp has decided one of her co-workers who is also a friend needs to die. Allison is doing her best to keep her friend alive and out of the pimp's reach. She's pawned Rick's camera for $50 worth of groceries. When the 'customers' get rough with her, Allison flees to AJ's for a safe haven for a night. She's touched by his kindness after she'd stolen Rick's camera, but not touched enough to keep from 'borrowing' AJ's gun. AJ and Rick catch up to her in time to find her friend is dying. When she dies at t

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7 Gennaio 1988
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