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7x56 - Family Affairs

Episode 1728

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Benji can't get hold of Kelly and fears she's avoiding him. He's not too wrong. Kelly tells Justin that she's pregnant and that he's the father! He walked away in shock. Earlier, Justin made a move on Mel but she turned him down telling him they were just friends; she tells Kelly the same thing. Mel's upset that her family don't seem to care what she does or where she is, in fact they tell her to stay away that evening because Pete and Eileen are coming to dinner. Marc and Geri finally get some alone time but Yasmin walks in on them. She tells Marc that Nick, the photographer, is coming round tomorrow and it wouldn't look very good if he was showing a woman out. They are supposed to be the perfect couple. Marc can't take it any more and he and Geri go round to her place when Yasmin leaves the room! Lucy and Cheryl persuade Dave to swallow his pride and take Pete's money for Jake's bale. Later, Jake comes home. He doesn't appreciate that everyone is running around after him. Lucy te

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12 Novembre 2003
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