Pagina dell'episodio'

7x6 - Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Kathy Greenwood

Poster della serie Whose Line Is It Anyway?

The show starts with Let's Make A Date. Kathy has to pick from Wayne (a temperamental queen bee gathering nectar from people's faces), Colin (a born to be wild biker chick going from guy to guy to find a new stud to ride behind) and Ryan (having an entire relationship with the stool Colin is sitting on). In Whose Line, Indiana Jones (Ryan) and his feisty female companion (Colin) are trapped in a snake-infested Egyptian tomb and their torches are about to go out. In Dead Bodies, Bosley (Ryan) is being held captive by a beautiful villainess (audience member Kelsey), who is torturing him with sexual seduction when one of Charlie's Angels (Kathy) bursts in to rescue him. Greatest Hits features a 25 CD set of ""Songs of the Fast Food Worker"". Kathy wins, so Drew & Ryan play against Wayne & Colin in Props. Ryan reads the credits pretending he's in later life and his relationship with the stool is on the rocks.

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31 Gennaio 2005
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