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7x7 - The Incredible Dr. Pol

Hook, Feline and Sinker

Poster della serie The Incredible Dr. Pol

From gimpy goats to belligerent bulls, families all around are relying on Pol Veterinary Service to take care of their animals this summer. The first patient of the day is a loveable family pup who got a little too close to some farming equipment. With a few stitches from Doc Pol, he'll be up to snuff and playing with his family in no time! Later, a young girl arrives with her dad and her cat, Princess. Curiosity got the best of this cat when she managed to get a fishhook stuck in her leg—will Doc be able to rescue this Princess in peril? Later in the week, it takes the whole team of doctors to help an injured goat named Willie. Willie seems to have twisted his neck but that may just be a sign of an even worse illness. All the while, Charles has been tending to his newest baby—a little peachick named Drogo. With the help of Dr. Pol, Charles is becoming more and more like his father, with a flock of his very own.

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5 Settembre 2015
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