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8x1 - Family Affairs

Episode 1764

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Eileen told Dave how the fire came about. She told him that she couldn't stand Pete for what he'd done to her and her family. Dave told her that she'd put him in a very awkward position but she argued that he must have thought about doing something like this to Pete. When she mentions Josh, Dave tells her that this fire had nothing to do with Josh. Eileen broke down. She asked Dave if he would go to the police. He told her that he didn't know what to do. Lucy interrupted them to ask them both for help in the pub before Dave could make up his mind. Lucy told Dave to go; she could take care of her mum now. As Dave left, Eileen thanked him. He said not to. Tanya was embarrassed at her mum's behaviour towards Nick. She jokingly said that perhaps she should meet his family so that they could embarrass him. He agreed that it was about time she met his family. Later, Nick tells Tanya that he agrees with her mum as far as the baby's concerned. He thinks that her having a baby with Sean is a

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1 Gennaio 2004
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