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8x10 - Family Affairs

Episode 1773

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Yasmin and Marc return from their honeymoon. Yasmin is surprised to find Sadie running the shop. Marc carries his bride of almost 3 weeks upstairs. He tells her he wants to start as he means to go on and goes to run a hot bath for them both. Later, the presents arrive at the flat. Yasmin stops Marc from opening them all at once, she tells him that they should open them one at a time, smallest first, just like she and Benji used to do. Marc agrees and picks a small present from the top of the pile. They read the card; the gift is from Geri. They open it to find a pair of egg-cups. Yasmin comments: ""last of the big spenders . . ."", but Marc tells her not to be so harsh. The wedding wasn't supposed to be for real after all. When Yasmin goes downstairs to check that the books are in order, Geri is there. Yasmin tries to apologise. Geri asks her what she wants from her; if she wants forgiveness or a friend. Yasmin says that hopefully, in time. Geri is disgusted and storms out of the shop. Y

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14 Gennaio 2004
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