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8x112 - Family Affairs

Episode 1875

Poster della serie Family Affairs

The jury have not been able to reach a verdict so, as if to prolong Eileen's agony, the judge sends them back to deliberate further until they can reach a verdict upon which they are all agreed. Meanwhile, Dave finds the pictures from Cheryl's stalker. She tells him about Patrick's plan to catch her stalker. She agrees to go through the proper channels but Patrick is less than happy when Cheryl breaks the news to him. Although he tells her that he'll back her up if anyone at work gives her a hard time. Gary tells Dave that it'll cost them £1500 as a set up cost for their cab firm as well as rent for the premises. Dave tells Gary that's a lot of money, but Gary's optimistic. The jury returns to the court for a second time and reveal that they have indeed reached a verdict. They find Pete . . . not guilty of Roy's murder. Eileen is thrilled. Mike, who's been following the preceding is less so. Pete stays in then court to finish a few things off. Eileen and Lucy return back to the S

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4 Giugno 2004
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