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8x127 - Family Affairs

Episode 1890

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Chrissy and Gary finally find the time to sit down and talk. Chrissy tells Gary that if he wants she will move out. He agrees and she goes home to pack her things but cries as she does so . . . Justin tries to find out about fatherhood but asks the wrong people: Gary and Pete. Cheryl's worried about how Patrick's treating Dave but Geri and Eileen persuade her that she'll only make matters worse if she goes to the station. But after a quick comment from Pete, Cheryl decides that she can't go any longer and heads off to the station. Lewis is having another bad day. He tries to find any drugs that may have been stashed around the flat but Cameron tells him there's no chance of him finding anything. Lewis tries to make up with his brother but Cameron tells him that he doesn't trust drug addicts. Cameron runs into Justin and warns him not to give any money to Lewis so when Lewis tries to get money off Justin later, he gets nothing . . . having exhausted all of his sources of cash, L

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25 Giugno 2004
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