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8x14 - Family Affairs

Episode 1777

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Despite recent events, Tanya decides to go to work to take her mind off things. As she steps out of the front door, however, Nick pulls up in his car. Tanya runs for the bus while Sean holds Nick back. As the bus pulls away, Sean slams the door in Nick's face. Nick returns to his car where he goes about calling Sean and Tanya's number. He begs Sean to let him in so that he can have his say. After his 12 message, Sean finally gives in and allows Nick to come in. Sean tells Nick that he has five minutes. Nick tries to persuade Sean that he was confused. Sean was surprised that Nick didn't pretend that the girl Tanya saw was his sister or something. Nick tells Sean that he was confused and upset. He thought he and Tanya were finished and he'd got drunk, not that that was an excuse. Nick also tells Sean that it's not the idea of Tanya having a baby with Sean that upsets him; it's that fact that she's having a baby at all. He has a son and knows how much maintenance kids need. Gradually Sea

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20 Gennaio 2004
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