This summer, Ellen made her Broadway debut in "Promises, Promises" with the hilarious KRISTIN CHENOWETH. Now Kristin is back on TV in her hysterical role on "Glee," but she's making a stop today to visit her friend and former co-star!
It's an exciting time for NICK CANNON! Any moment, he and Mariah Carey are about to be proud parents of twin babies! And if he weren't busy enough, he's doing a comedy special on Showtime next month, and is getting ready for a brand new season of "America's Got Talent." He'll have a lot on his plate, but he always makes time to chat with Ellen.
ALISON KRAUSS & UNION STATION have been performing for over 20 years -- and in that time, Alison has won a whopping 27 Grammys! They just released a brand new album, "Paper Airplanes," and will be here to perform one of their new singles.