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8x165 - Family Affairs

Episode 1928

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Lucy tells Sam the whole story. He's surprised to hear that Dave was in on the whole thing. Sam asks Lucy why she went along with Pete's plan. She tells him that he doesn't understand - Pete will always be there for her like nobody else . . . Sam is speechless at Lucy's revelations. She tells him she can't take this anymore and tells him that she's going to go to the police. She goes to climb on a bus to the police station and Sam hurries off to tell Eileen. But Lucy doesn't get on the bus. Instead, she runs into Bradley. He sees that she's upset and invites her back to his place for a beer and a chat. Meanwhile, Eileen has told the detective about her past with Mike. Eileen tells her that he showed up out of nowhere a few months ago and confessed his love for her and said that he wanted her to run away with him. She told him that it was a ridiculous idea and that she was with Pete. She says that on the day he died, Mike came to the pub and tries to rape her but she found the strength

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18 Agosto 2004
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