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8x167 - Family Affairs

Episode 1930

Poster della serie Family Affairs

At the police station Lucy starts to tell the detective exactly what happened in the flat when Mike died. She gets too emotional and has to stop so the detective tells Lucy how she think it happened. But in her version of events, she sees Pete entering at the last minute and killing Mike. Lucy tells her that she's got it all wrong and changes her mind to repeat Eileen's version of events and then says that she'd prefer to leave. The detective warns Lucy that if she is hiding something then she will find it and says that she knows something happened in that pub, she can tell that everybody is lying - it's only a matter of time . . . Lucy returns to Stanley Street and sees Eileen. Eileen tries to defend her actions and tells Lucy that it was for her. Lucy tells Eileen that because she hasn't told the police everything doesn't mean that she agrees with her mum and tells her that her relationship with Pete is built on lies so Lucy warns Eileen: tell Pete the truth or else she will . . .

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20 Agosto 2004
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